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Monday, August 26, 2013

L'oreal Lash Boosting Serum Review

Plush and healthy lashes. We all want 'em; how do we get them? Can a little bottle of serum really give you that long feathery flutter you've been envious of? I've always wondered. 
The drugstore brand L'oreal began carrying their Double Extend Lash Boosting Serum a couple years back. Those of us who thought special treatments like that only came with a department store price tag or prescription were probably ecstatic. I was at first, until I saw that it was priced around $12.59. Yeah, that's super cheap compared to the $60-$250 you would be spending for most other "treatments". But it all seemed too good to be true to me. And I could get a lot more at the drugstore for 12 bucks if that product was a fluke. Finally seeing it on sale one day I decided to take the plunge. 
I've used it for a few months now, and my eyelashes are halfway to my forehead. Just kidding; but they're really healthy and a wee bit longer.
I used this serum at night regularly for about 4 months. It creates this weird coating on your lashes that can ball up after its been on for awhile, so I don't recommend wearing it underneath mascara because it may end up all over your face. It has this weird silicone-y feel to it and when it's dry in the morning you can pull a strand off - and it comes off rubbery and elastic-y. Weird. But whatever grows them lashes, right?
I think the most important thing that this serum does is prevent breaking. And it doesn't take a few months to see the results; just a few weeks and you will see the difference. Because my lashes weren't breaking they all seemed to be able to get to the same length. When I would put mascara on, it would be more uniform and not create that little jagged clump at the tip no matter what formula I used. Pretty cool.  It made my lashes really hydrated, protected, and healthy. 
While I think the L'oreal Lash Boosting Serum is nice, I don't think it provides crazy dramatic results. It definitely makes you more conscious of your lash health, which could be cause for improvement. But you could probably get away with using a little concoction of vaseline and gentle care for those lashes and end up with the same results. There can also be a little bit of irritation if you get the product too close to your actual eye; but that's kind of expected with these kinds of products. It wasn't too bad. I will definitely finish using the product as I like what it does, but I may not repurchase it.
Lash Love,                          
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